Temperature: 42.6 F
Wind Chill: 42.6 F
Heat Index: 42.6 F
Apparent Temp: 40.3 F
Dewpoint: 39.6 F
Humidity: 89 %
Barometer: 30.030  in +
Altimeter: 29.976  in +
Wind: SSW  at   0.0  mph
High Wind: 0.0 mph at 00:00
Recent Avg Wind: 0.0 mph
Recent Beaufort Scale: Calm
Today's Rain: 0.00  in
Rain Rate: 0.00  in/hr
High Rain Rate: 0.00 in/hr at -----
Storm Total: 0.00  in
Monthly Rain: 0.18  in
Yearly Rain (JAN): 24.75  in
Air Density: 1.266  kg/m^3
Est. Cumulus Base: 687  ft
High Temperature: 50.6 F at 13:18
Low Temperature: 41.6 F at 08:19
High Heat Index: 50.6 F at 13:18
Low Wind Chill: 41.6 F at 08:19
High Humidity: 90 % at 08:54
Low Humidity: 71 % at 00:00
High Dewpoint: 44.1 F at 14:31
Low Dewpoint: 36.7 F at 00:03
High Barometer: 30.059 in at 09:20
Low Barometer: 29.989 in at 14:33

Blacksburg,VA Weather
37.3 N - 80.4 W - 2120 ft
2024-10-15 18:21:10
Sunrise:07:31 - Sunset:18:45 - Moon:Waxing 96% Full

Climatological Summaries: 
Browse Archive Records: 


2 Miles NNW Blacksburg VA point forecast created at  2024-10-15 16:00:46
This Afternoon

Chance Showers
High: 52°F

Partly Sunny
High: 48°F

Areas Frost then Sunny
High: 55°F

Areas Frost then Sunny
High: 64°F

High: 67°F

High: 70°F

Slight Chance Showers then Mostly Cloudy
Low: 34°F
Wednesday Night

Partly Cloudy then Areas Frost
Low: 30°F
Thursday Night

Clear then Patchy Frost
Low: 30°F
Friday Night

Low: 34°F
Saturday Night

Low: 39°F
Sunday Night

Low: 42°F

This Afternoon A chance of showers, mainly before 5pm. Cloudy, with a high near 52. West wind around 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 30%.
Tonight A slight chance of showers before 10pm, then a chance of sprinkles between 10pm and midnight. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 34. Northwest wind around 7 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.

More information from NWS Blacksburg, VA:

Severe Weather/SKYWARN

Storm Prediction Center NOAAWatch Links
Convective Outlook Watches Briefing


  • 17-Sep-2011: Upgraded to wview 5.19.0 (from 4.0.1)
  • 25-May-2009: Rain collector was clogged. Cleaned.
  • 21-Sep-2008: Notes on Altimiter calculations.
  • 26-Aug-2008: Barometer calibration now seems reasonable.
  • 13-Aug-2008: Station archive started. Yearly and monthly totals only go back to this date.

Data since 13 August 2008 wview logo wview 5.21.7 VantagePro (/dev/ttyVP2)